Tuesday, May 02, 2006

So here's a couple of random thoughts:

First things first. A mysterious stain has appeared on my dog Ash's bed. He drools a lot when he sleeps, so at first sighting I thought little about it. But this particular stain looks as though he'd been salivating constantly for about 36 hours or so. Pretty big. It doesn't smell that funny, it's not particularly dark and it hasn't touched anything else. Besides that, he doesn't seem to mind lying in it himself. So- what to do? Do I leave it?

Second- I'm suddenly having a panic attack about spending $100 G's to go to school to do something I pretty much know how to do anyway. Thanks a lot, Eric.

Lastly- here's a sign that you're moving into a bad neighborhood: Salinas, California, birthplace of none other than the late great John Steinbeck, one of my personal favs, has just faced a crushing disaster. It's public funds have dried up to the point that they're at the verge of closing all their public libraries. I guess the only thing that has saved them is the public outrage over closing a library in the home town of the greatest novelist in the universe. Beyond that, the quaint little townhouses my wife and I were fond of due to, among other things, proximity to a local mall, were the site of multiple gang shootings last year, including many at said mall. We're now looking for housing in Marina.


Blogger Hydro said...

P.S. Like what you've done with the place.

12:19 PM  

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