Sunday, May 14, 2006

I've just been the subject of a very strange interaction. So I've always known that my coworker of 40% of my workweek was slightly askew in the brainpan, but I've always tried to give him the benefit of the doubt. He's a good guy, just a, you know? Here's the perfect example: He's a total DVD enthusiast. Every week he makes his list to me of new releases that he's added to his collection. So he's a movie collector. No biggie, right? So tonight he came in with two sacks of movies, one sack full of selections for viewing that evening, the other of duplicates he had that he just handed me and said, "Well, I know you like some of these, and I really needed to clear some space, so, there you go." So I told him that I really don't have any money and he said, "Aw, no, don't worry about it. It's just something that I do from time to time." Well, cool! Free movies. Apparently he's bringing me another sack tomorrow night.
I was about to say, "Shucks, man, no letterbox editions?" when I stopped myself, remembering that sarcasm is not this man's forte, and he starts in with "Yeah, I've got four other copies of that one, and three other of these, and I might have two other special editions of yonder," and he goes on for like five minutes, not to joking. After which he tells me of all the other copies that he's sent to his brother, other coworkers, old army buddies, etc. I should add that all the movies in my sack-o-goodies right now is still shrinkwrapped with the price tags attached.
So you see what I mean? Not a bad fellow, just a little bent upstairs. I'm gonna miss that crazy guy.

PS-Here's a cruel yet incredibly accurate caricature.


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