Friday, May 11, 2007

Day three - I nearly abandoned yesterday's theory of things missing, because there are just a couple of songs that don't quite fit in well enough, and I can't seem to define the parameters well enough to make all the lyrics of all the songs that have lyrics plus the one that doesn't, fit.

So I'm playing with a new theory- falling. In Paranoid Android, Rain falls. In Eleanor Rigby, people throw rice (that one's kind of weak, I know). In Recovering the Satellites, well, satellites fall, along with shooting stars. Mad World has tears falling into a glass, Red Rabbits has rabbits falling into a crucible (weird!), and finally I got a category where I Bombed Korea fits. Obviously, bombs fall from the sky. Oh yeah, and Electrical Storm talks about something falling.

But again, there's just one or two little things that don't fit. L'Absente, the prime example, doesn't talk about anything, let alone about anything falling. You could say something musical, like it has a descending chord structure or something, but dude, the Shblogger would get my ultimate props both for his musical acumen and the familiarity he has with the content of his iPod.

Still, given that L'Absente doesn't have any lyrics, it fits best into yesterday's "missing" category. I'm going to play with that one some more and see if I can come up with a concise category to include all the songs.

End Transmission.


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