Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Ever feel like a big fish that's gone from a small pond straight to the ocean? I used to feel pretty good about the fact that I spoke 3 foreign languages, albeit one of them much better than the others. Welcome to the ocean of the Monterey Institute of International Studies. Besides the fact that nearly half of everyone I meet is working on their third or even fourth degree, the academic environment here makes speaking three languages from the same language family seem like being able to walk and chew gum at the same time. There's two people in my department who between them speak Spanish, French, Italian, Mandarin, Greek, Hebrew and German. Geez.

On a side note, I had yet another zombie dream. This one surpasses the others in surreality, though. This time I was the zombie, and I was trying to convince everybody that I was normal. Like I actually wasn't trying to eat their brains. At the same time, my undead body was falling apart and me and my friends were desperately trying to find ways to stick me back together.

I think my dog dreams of zombies, actually. Or something really bizarre. He talks in his sleep. He wakes us up nearly every night with a succession of small yips, grunts and rapid breathing that may go on forever if we don't say his name and shake him out of it. Ever wonder about dog dreams? I mean, a lot of people theorize that dogs dream of running around with other dogs and chasing cats and things, but I don't know. I don't usually dream of the normal things that I do during a day (see above for proof). Do dogs dream crazy things, like being able to fly or going out to socialize and realizing they don't have any fur on or something like that?


Blogger The Bombic said...

When Harper's not roaming our apartment during the evening hours like a member of the undead, he tends to make some funny grunts while flailing his limbs about. I like to think he's dreaming of singing on Broadway, but's he's probably just dreaming of the squirrels in the park that he never quite seems to catch. Sweet dreams!

4:39 PM  

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