Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Random thoughts today:
#1: I had a dream last night that I got piercings in my lip and my nose (not my ear, as I have always wanted) and the bruisings made my face swell up so that I looked like a middle-aged, portly black woman. It didn't look good. I half way woke up and realized that I didn't look like that, but wondered why in the world I had gotten the piercings, and how I was going to explain them to my wife.

#2: I've always held the theory that people go into fields of study that cause them the most trouble in their personal life: doctors are hypochondriacs, psychologists are insane, linguists are bad communicators, etc. The other day I finally got confirmation. I was listening to a radio program (geek that I am) about a scientist who was doing experiments on the effects of love. These were extensive experiments, involving hundreds of animals and spanning years and years of his life. You may have heard of the monkey who would always choose his soft, plush, synthetic mother over his other, wire, milk-giving synthetic mother. If not, nuts to you. Anyway, the host of the program went on to explain that this particular scientist suffered a severe disability to maintain loving relationships with people. Who else, said the radio host, would have done such an experiment, except for one who felt the need to analyze the subject and its very mechanics? Wouldn't the case be the same for all of my above examples?

#3: Joshua Davis, aka DJ Shadow, you're my hero. You go do your own thing, man, don't let your fans bring you down. I hope your wrists feel okay.


Blogger ED said...

Maybe your theory discussed in random thought #2 also explains why I $%*#ing hate law school so much! I must be an anarchist at heart, or a criminal, or have problems with authority. Yeah, I guess maybe that's true - the evidence just keeps getting stronger.

11:13 AM  
Blogger D-Rock said...

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6:06 PM  

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