Tuesday, October 24, 2006

This post today serves so that I can voice my opinion as a matter of public record. First and foremost, my poor neglected blog, I promise to lead a more exciting life so that I can document my actions on your page.

Second- for all of the millions who are going to rush out in a couple of years and see the film that I wrote, I promise you here and now that I didn't copy any of my freakin ideas from that 'Heroes' show.
Talk about a holy crap. The more the show develops, the more numerous and egregious the similarities become. It's taken a lot of self control to keep myself from just hucking the darned thing into the fire.
On the other hand, and as Sheri pointed out, all 'Heroes' is is just X-Men put through a blender. You have your Dr. Xavier, Rogue, Wolverine (who is way cuter as a cheerleader), Psylocke (now a fat cop), they're all there. So I'm trying to avoid being called not only a plagiarist, but a second- or even third-degree plagiarist; the guy to took his material from a show that took its material from a comic book series that took its material from another comic book.
Though I guess in the philosophical world, there exists the theory that nothing is original, and that every creative idea that you have comes initially from somewhere else. How's that for throwing water on the creative spark?
I'm more of a believer that ideas are just out there at certain times, and several people are bound, nay destined, to arrive at them at roughly the same time.Karl Jung, you were right.
For those interested, I've ennumerated the coincidental material below.
An indestructible girl with social problems
A mysterious algorithm
A mathematician looking for answers
The dawn of a new era of human evolution
The prognostication of future events
A fight for the survival of mankind
A corrupt politician
Other things


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