Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Ah, clarity. It's never been one of my strongpoints.

So the job thing- I've interviewed for this job in Carmel Valley as a Translation Project Manager for a Translation & Interpretation Agency. What does this mean? If I get the job, I'll basically be managing translation projects done by people who are doing what I'm getting my degree to do - translate. Different companies will come to the agency with something to translate (into any language) and I'll negotiate a deadline with them, after which I'll contact people from a list of freelance translators and dole out the work. I might edit the final product, too, but I'm not sure.
Good business contacts
Not having to look for internship next summer, which probably wouldn't give me money even if I did find one, and if I were lucky enough to snag one, I'd have to leave Sheri all alone in Marina for the summer (which might be better by her)

It's in Carmel Valley, which is considerably far away.
Less time to do homework (con?)
The General Malaise of Working.
I don't have the job yet.

Now about the moving- we Sheri and I are sickantired of living in a place that smells like a motel. Like a smokers-only motel. Though it's pretty cheap, and they let us have our dog (a RARETY in cen-Cal, apparently), our neighbors are chainsaw-wielding psychos who shout at each other at all hours of the day from across the complex. And smoke. And smoke. And smoke.
So we've had our eye out for another appt. in Marina for a while.
Qualifications for new place:
1. Must allow pets
2. Must be affordable (HAHAHAHAHAHHOHOHOHOHOHO!)
3. Must not smell like smoke
4. Must be within ward boundaries

1+2+3+4=impossible. Or so we had thought. Untill we found a 2B/1B place just down the road with a YARD and a FRPLC and LNDRY. A dream, right? Yes.
When I said we were moving I jumped the gun. I meant we were trying to move. And I was pretty sure we would. For all the crap that the realtor put us through about the new place, i.e. asking for a letter from Sheri's boss stating that they didn't intend to fire her in the near future, i.e. a detailed outline of my financial aid (and I mean clean-your-colon type detailed), I thought that we had in. Not so. I got off the phone with the b**ch at the office this morning who said that the "owner" didn't want us in because of the dog/new carpet situation(despite our initial, and repeated conversations that the dog, with his yard, would not be an issue) and that we might still be left destitute (despite the letter) and that there was nothing we could do because of her "extensive wheeling and dealing" with the "owner."
In summary: we are moving to a different place in Marina, just not as soon as we hoped.

An open letter to Monterey County Real Estate Agents:
If you bastards have it in you to charge people outrageous amounts of money to live in the glorified shacks that you have the gall to call decent housing, you can't very well expect people to fall all over themselves to get inside. If they can afford to give the blood money you ask for, they deserve it already.

With Love-
The Napalm Brain

p.s.-this is you.


Blogger ED said...

I can relate to the difficulty of finding a place to live with a dog. Unfortunately, the places that allow dogs tend to be the places that allow smoking – finding one without the other can be tough. I read somewhere that it can help if you can schedule an appointment for the potential landlord to meet the dog. (Assuming that meeting the dog would help your case. If it wouldn’t, try exhausting the dog before the meeting, then tell the landlord “he’s always like this.”) I would say that Harper is 97% responsible for us living where we do. I’m dreading having to move out in a couple of months. Good luck.

11:25 AM  
Blogger Hydro said...

Hey thanks a lot for that image. I won't sleep tonight.
P.S. It sure was nice being in your same state for 2.7 days.

3:19 PM  

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