Monday, December 11, 2006

Here's something I thought I'd never blog about. Britney Spears. Here's the deal: I think maybe people should just tone it down a little. Public opinion expresses that she's little better than a "lady of the evening," that she belongs in the red light district, etc.
Well hold on a second. Shouldn't people remember the fact that she's now a mother of two, that both children come from the same father and that neither of them were born, or even conceived (as far as I know) out of wedlock?
Now, granted, I'd never want my mother to see the search results I came to while looking for the above picture (I actually had to go through several pages of pics before I found one that was cleavage-free), and yes, she did get caught not wearing underwear last weekend (on the advice of Paris Hilton, as I was told), and she's generally pretty dumb and will never be able to wash her bloodstream clean of all the genes that are associated with being born and raised in a trailer park, but, come on, how does that make her so much worse than like a hundred other celebs?

Not at all, says I. Not that I'm going to run out and buy her perfume, or anything.


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