Wednesday, August 01, 2007

As the late (?) great Joe Jackson said, Everything Gives you Cancer.

So the computer in my office is right on the other side of the wall from the break room , and where my head usually is is right on the other side of the wall from the microwave. Now for the past few months, I could tell when someone was using the microwave, because my computer screen would jiggle a little bit. Now I always assumed that this was due mainly to the fact that my computer and the microwave shared some wiring, or something.

I began to think differently, however, when I started to get really bad headaches, like two and three times a week. Well, I decided to play the "caution" card, and I took the initiative to rearrange the break room so that the microwave is now on another wall. Mind you, I did not have to move the cord to the microwave at all.

I haven't had a headache since.

My computer screen doesn't jiggle anymore.

Should I be:

1) Relieved because I'm no longer receiving microwaves to the brain, or

2) Alarmed, because, contrary to my earlier suspicions, I've been getting microwaved all along?

ps- I think The Bad Plus have a similar yet distinct effect on head/brain areas, because the past two times I have listened to one of their albums in the car, I've come out with my left ear completely stopped up.


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